Cifiscape – Updates

So Much To Talk About

March 14, 2012

Well, you’ll be happy to know that we did get it all done. Like, actually, Cifiscape Vol. II: The Twin Cities is finished and has been sent to the printer. It should be out next week. Seriously, it’s done. I know you can’t believe it, but the book is done and we’re just putting the finishing touches on the ebook which should be out at roughly the same time as the Paperback (it’ll be available through Amazon, Apple, and Barnes and Noble).

Time line of upcoming events:

We will be having a planning meeting for the Marketing of Cifiscape on Friday, March 23rd on the U of M campus so contact us at to get filled in with more information on when and where that will be. You’ll also get a chance to meet the designer of the books as he’ll be in attendance.

We will be attending the Bloomington Writers’ Festival on Saturday, March 24th. It runs from 9:30 am to 5:00 PM. We’ll have a table, so if you’re attending be sure to come say hi, we’ll have a sample copy of the book with us for you to thumb through (since we won’t be able to sell the books at the event).

We are having a launch party at 6 PM on Friday March 31st at University Baptist Church on 13th and University. Come get a chance to meet the authors, get your hands on a copy of the book, and even get that book signed by the authors.