Cifiscape – Dale Newton

Dale Newton author photo Author of: “Wardrobe Malfunction”

By day, he’s an ordinary government communicator who has cranked out scores of news releases, brochures, fact sheets, public service announcements, and video scripts. By night (and weekends), he indulges his other interests. Dale Newton has co-authored three books on independent filmmaking, and he has written magazine articles, a half-dozen screen plays, and several stage plays. He’s the writer and producer of the feature-length science fiction movie, “Resident Alien.”

He resides in a household on the Minnesota side of the St. Croix River where he has the only “y” chromosomes.


Other work by Dale Newton:

Persistence of Vision book cover Persistence of Vision: An Impractical Guide to Producing a Feature Film for Under $30,000 with John Gaspard

Digital Filmmaking 101 book cover Digital Filmmaking 101: An Essential Guide to Producing Low-Budget Movies with John Gaspard

Top 10 Reasons Why It’s a Great Time to be a Filmmaker book cover Top 10 Reasons Why It’s a Great Time to be a Filmmaker with MWP authors