Cifiscape – Updates

A Surprise For All of Us

February 2, 2012

John Beckman author photo Today is an awesome day for us here at Cifiscape. We are announcing another story to our anthology that wasn’t going to be part of it until a matter of weeks ago. This contributor had a show in Minneapolis a few weeks ago, which we attended, and we loved it so much we asked him if he would be willing to share some of his work with us to put in the forthcoming Vol. II.

His work is graphic, brutal, grotesque, beautiful, tragic, wonderful, and all together original. We love his style and we cannot wait to share his work with you. So on this day, in the beginning of February, we are happy to announce that John Beckmann will be joining Cifiscape Vol. II.

You can keep up with on him at his website and at the Stampede Press Facebook page