Cifiscape – Highlights

Author Spotlight: David Oppegaard

David Oppegaard author photo David Oppegaard answers some questions about his life as a published author, teacher, and podcaster.

Author Spotlight: Brian D. Garrity

Brian D. Garrity author photo Brian D. Garrity was kind enough to answer a few questions about his love of music, writing, film, and photography. He’s an interesting guy and it was a pleasure to get to know him a little better.

Author Spotlight: Bob Lipski

Image of Uptown Girl comic book character by Bob Lipski Bob Lipski is a rare talent. His work is unique, original, and funny. Seriously, in his installment for Volume I of Cifiscape, Bob Lipski poked fun at the future and simultaneously shed light on our obsession with technology. When he told us he had something for for Volume II we were genuinely thrilled and excited to see what he had prepared for us.

Author Spotlight: Jonathan Hansen

Jonathan Hansen author photoWhen I think about Science Fiction, I always think about that Ray Bradbury quote about Science Fiction being the literature of ideas. Jonathan Hansen is a man who embodies that idea. His story in Cifiscape Vol. II is something of a gem. Especially given the nature of what we’re trying to do, his story, Harris, sums up what this anthology is about: local authors, talking about the future of the Metropolis they live in.

Author Spotlight: Erica Lindquist & Aron Christensen

Loose Leaf Stories imageThe first time I read a story by Erica Lindquist was almost a year ago in the June 2011 issue of Efiction Magazine. It was a short story called Fireflies and I loved it. Seriously, it had been a while since I had something that the idea was the main focus. While I loved the characters, and thought the story was wonderful, it was the idea of it that struck me. It felt like I was reading something that Ray Bradbury could have included in The Martial Chronicles, seriously, it was that good. I began to communicate with Erica via Twitter, and when Kit and I decided it was time Volume II of Cifiscape, I immediately thought of trying to get Erica to be a part of it. Admittedly, Erica and Aron don’t reside in Minneapolis, and while that may stretch the bounds of our premise, I felt that the quality of the writing was enough that I had to try and get her in Vol. II. Well, long story long, she and Aron were happy to submit a story that they had previously published in their own collection of short stories called In Odder Words. We were happy to accept it into this Volume, and we’re even more excited about getting to share it with you soon.

Author Spotlight: Dale Newton

Dale Newton author image I love getting to know new people, especially people who are fascinating. Dale has been involved with film, science fiction, and been interested in radio. He’s co-written multiple books on film making, has numerous book projects in the works, and seems to be constantly adding more and more projects to his diverse and vast list.

He’s a genuinely nice guy and a talented writer. We are proud to present the Author Spotlight of Dale Newton, author of a story in Cifiscape Vol. II.

Author Spotlight: Aaron M. Wilson

Aaron M. Wilson author imageToday we are starting a feature called “Author Spotlight.” This will be an ongoing interview series that will allow us to delve a little deeper into the lives of our authors. You’ll get to know them a little better, and so will we.

We wanted to start with someone who is both unique and talented. He has a pretty fascinating life, and it was really good to get to know him a little bit. Today we are starting with Aaron M. Wilson.